
Leonor Antunes, Remy Charlip, Daniel Jacoby, Bruno Munari, Yann Sérandour, Erwin Wurm
Reading Dance

11 Jul - 10 Aug 2013

A proposal by Christophe Daviet-Thery

Daniel Jacoby, Untitled (A Response to Bruno Munari's Seeking Comfort in an Uncomfortable Chair), 2013, inkjet print on paper 2 (up to 4) panels, cm. 265 x 360 approx. (each)
Yann Sérandour, Sextodecimo, 2013, offset print folded 16 times and hand-sewn, hot marking, 32 non-massicotées pages, Cm. 19,5 x 12,8
Leonor Antunes, Grid Dancing, 2013, set of 8 poster, cm. 40 x 50 (each)
Erwin Wurm, Take your Most Loved Philosophers, 2002-2013, two sided offset print, cm. 70 x 100
Daniel Jacoby, Untitled (A Response to Bruno Munari's Seeking Comfort in an Uncomfortable Chair), 2013, two sided inkjet print poster, cm. 54 x 81